
technical performance electric motor scooter

Some car owners often do not pay attention when checking fluid level distinction is due to other causes breakage battery case electrolyte leakage, or normal wear and tear, and as soon as you add distilled water to reduce the liquid electrolyte, electric motor scooter resulting electrolyte density decreased , so that the battery does not work. Some owners do not understand the technical performance of the battery, the electrolyte mistakenly believe that as long as you can make it back to add the ability to work. As everyone knows, this will cause the battery electrolyte density is rising, which will not only make the resistance increases, the terminal voltage drops rapidly, electric scooter motor but also due to the viscosity of the electrolyte increases permeability variation, so that the battery charge capacity is reduced. Therefore, when the battery electrolyte density decreased, it is timely to supplement the battery charging, do feel free to add electrolyte. Before adding a new battery electrolyte with distilled water is completely unnecessary, electric motor scooter that will not only result in a waste of materials and man-hours, and distilled water to seep inside the plate, will dilute the electrolyte to reduce the density of the electrolyte, thus affecting the battery the use of performance. For battery repair after application before using the electrolyte cleaning. Seven Mistakes: Battery not supplement charge electric motor scooter for the active material of the battery plates timely reduction, reducing plate curing, improve the battery charge capacity and extend the life of the battery should be regularly carried out in the car supplementary charge. The above points are using the wrong batteries prone, should arouse enough attention, in strict accordance with the requirements of battery operated, avoid these errors.

